Headline Skullers HMFT

Monday, November 24, 2008

ini namanya hidup....haha

waduh,entah kenapa hidup saat ini bertambah sulit,namanya jg tingkat 2 kali ya,anak kuliahan,mahasiswa yang sangat maha sibuk....haha
dari yang namanya ujian,praktikum,dan peer online serta tugas dan take home test,sampe namanya ada acara wisudaan...haha
rieut pisan cuy....
kuliah sering gak konsen,untung ada teman2 yang bersedia membantu dalam kuliah,jadi sedikit tertolong lah....haha

aduh......pgn liburan........jalan2 kemanapun deh,apalgi ke dufan,kayaknya uenak tenan...hehe
trus liburan bs tidur sepuasnya di rumah dan nonton berbagai film menghibur....haha

i miss holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Feeling sorrow
for all the things you had to steal and borrow.
Bring back the days we had before tomorrow
relapse and then collapse into yourself once more.

Waiting for this life to change seems like it's taking me forever
and I can't hold on. This light is breaking into the day
This life is going to change seems like it's taking me forever
And I can't hold on. This light is breaking into the day

Void I can't fill.
The doctor tells me to relax and stand still
Prescribes me a new pill to quell my anger.
Wish I could make her pull herself up off the floor

Take time to contemplate who you are and where you want to go.

Into the day.

that we can get together....


Friday, November 7, 2008


if i can change my time....